Centre against racial profiling

Centre against
racial profiling

What we do

We are dedicated to eradicating racial profiling in all its forms. Our mission is to empower communities, advocate for justice, and dismantle systemic racism. Through research, trainings, and the mobilization of voices across diverse communities, we push back against racial profiling in Australia

Our work


Our research initiatives provide the evidence necessary to challenge existing systems and push for meaningful change.


Through our workshops and training sessions, we equip individuals and organisations with the knowledge and tools to combat racial profiling effectively.

Movement building

We serves as a hub for community organising and activism, amplifying marginalised voices and fostering solidarity in the fight against racial injustice.

who are we

Tamar Hopkins

Tamar Hopkins has been working in the area of police accountability and racism since 2005. She was the founding lawyer of the Police Accountability Project at Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre in Melbourne Australia in 2009. She has a PhD from UNSW on racial profiling. Tamar was briefed as an expert witness by NAAJA in the Kumanjayi Walker Inquest focusing on police accountability. She appeared as an expert witness at the Yoorrook Justice Commission in May 2023 on police accountability and racial profiling.

ilo Diaz

Ilo Diaz has worked directly with communities experiencing human rights abuses in Melbourne, South America and Palestine. His background is in Human Rights observing in areas of conflict. Ilo also volunteers with Melbourne Activist Legal Support, providing his expertise to Legal Observer teams that observe police actions in protests.


© 2024 Centre against racial profiling

The Centre Against Racial Profiling acknowledges the lands of the Wurrundjuri people of the Kulin Nations. We acknowledge the dispossession and colonial violence endured by First Nations Peoples, and the work left to dismantle the violence. The Centre Against Racial Profiling works towards the complete and full dismantling of the colonial project.